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Equipment provision

Each year Dulwich invites all it's pupils and parents to donate any books they no longer need at home. All the books collected are delivered to a local primary school, to help them restock their class and school libraries.

All of the cushions from our boarding house were donated to Cranbrook Primary to use in their classroom reading corners.


The aim of this is simple: to help local schools expand the range of books on offer to their pupils.

To help a local school enhance their reading corners.

Each year, pupils across the age range of the chosen primary school benefit from gaining access to new reading material both for curriculum use and relaxation.


Like many of our community based projects, this started when a local school approached us when they heard that we often collected toys and books from our families, to donate to charity. This Autumn was our third collection for a local primary school.

When we closed a section of our boarding facilities, a member of staff suggested that local schools and charitiesĀ could benefit from the use of some of the furniture. We then contacted local schools to find out if any wanted some extra soft furnishings


Our parent run 'Friends' committee organises the book drop. Our Local Schools' Liaison then communicates with the local primary schools to identify who would benefit most and we organise delivery to that school.

All that was required for this project was a bit of time to collect and deliver the furnishings.


It is universally agreed uponĀ that reading is one of the best activities children can engage in for their education. Increasing the resources available to children will only help with their development.

The local primary school was extremely grateful and the pupils loved the added comfort. The teachers even commented that they felt it encouraged some of their more reluctant readers to spend a bit more time with books.

Pupil Involvement

The books collected and delivered are aimed at primary school age children.


Annual event which occurs during the Autumn term.