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Ellesmere College: Music in the Community

Ellesmere College utilises both it's own musical pedigree and resources as well as facilities for the use of the broader community - participating in, arranging and providing the use of the College assets for a wide range of concerts, events, workshops, rehearsals and charity fund raisers.

Charities supported include (but not restricted to): Age UK, Hope House, Severn Hospice, Peter Messenger Memorial Fund, Breast Cancer Research, and community-focused group including Ellesmere Primary School, Porthwean Choir, LADS, Easter Orchestra, etc.

In addition, the College has been instrumental in the creation of a Community Choir and a community orchestra - the Ellesmere Sinfonia - which is open-to-all and led by Tony Coupe, Director of Music at Ellesmere College. 


The College has a strong relationship with the community that has been built over many years and the offering is vital to maintaining, supporting and growing the opportunities for these groups who would not normally have the these of facilites or resources to support them or their survival.  


We believe that creativity is integral to every aspect of a musician's development. The Music Department is committed to working in the community, and therefore, students have the opportunity to perform regularly in concerts outside of the College and we also have a long-established choral society open to all, which is conducted by Tony Coupe, Director of Music at Ellesmere College. 


Ellesmere College facilities that are used for events on site include:

- Big School

- Arts Centre

- Lower School Hall

- Ellesmere College staff including Operations, Catering, Marketing, Administrative and students themselves who volunteer their time to help.

In addition, school instruments and rehearsals spaces are often used for groups to meet and practice.  

The facilities and resources are offered foc to the community both on and off site.


Ellesmere College has been recognised for it's continuing support of music in the community and has been awarded the Arts Mark Platinum Award by the Arts Council of England for the third year in succession.

The public benefit of the offering from the College can be measured one way in the monies raised for the charitable organisations, but there is a much larger, untangible and immeasurable benefit to the members of the musical ensembles groups, the primary schools and community groups. 

Pupil Involvement

Musical opportunities are open to students of all ages within Ellesmere College, where there is a dedicated Lower School Choir for our younger pupils and at least 5 choirs and a variety of musical ensembles as they progress through to Sixth Form.

There are a vast amount of musical opportunities for every student in the College to be able to take part at every level, and are encouraged to volunteer in, and support the events on and off site. 


These are very regular events that occur numerous times annually, and provide plenty of opportunities for students around the area to work together and get involved.
