Economics cluster group
A free CPD group so that A-level Economics teachers in London can meet to discuss teaching and learning issues and swap resources and information.
The aims are to create an opportunity for Economics CPD at low/no cost and especially to help colleagues who are new to teaching Economics and to support colleagues who are the only teacher of Economics in their setting.
The group has had two meetings this academic year. It was started by Mrs Josie Baker, Queen’s Head of Economics. “When I entered teaching I benefitted greatly from the subject cluster group for IB Economics run by Bexley Grammar School and I wanted to set up something similar for A-level teachers in central London. We started with Girls’ School Association schools and then widened the group to members of the Southwark Schools’ Partnership.”
Use of meeting facilities at Queen’s College London x 2 for 2 hours each time. Hospitality. Time of QCL member of staff to set up, plan and facilitate group.
The group has already resulted in information sharing and some new ideas and activities
Pupil Involvement
No pupil involvement
Ongoing with meetings in autumn and summer each year.