Dulwich College Courses & Careers Convention
Thirty five UK universities, plus 30 companies, overseas universities and gap year providers brought together via Zoom during a week of webinars.
To provide a learning opportunity for students in regards to choices post-A-level whether that be UK university, foreign study or apprenticeships as well as gap year alternatives.
These talks would usually happen in person but this year we held them on Zoom which allowed more students to participate and we could make the recordings available on demand in the future.
The careers convention ran from 30th January to the 4th February with two sessions per day (10 sessions in total). The sessions made use of zoom and were run by the Head of Careers. Very little additional resource was required to invite partner schools to attend - approximately 4 hours in emails during the preceding weeks.
The most popular sessions for other schools were the University Panel session and How to write a Personal Statement.
Pupil Involvement
There were 300 Dulwich College attendees and there were 100 attendees from partner schools.
The Courses and Careers convention is an annual event, however this year's recordings are now available on demand.