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Drawing club

Weekly online Art lessons taught by our Art Teacher, Nicholas Allan, where pupils can develop their subject knowledge and technical ability. 


To offer students from state schools weekly Art lessons where they could develop their subject knowledge and technical ability. The club also creates a sense of community, where students from different schools can join to make art.


We originally wanted to do a range of outreach projects (visiting care homes, and the primary school partnership) involving our students but due to covid, we had to put that on hold. Nicholas Allan contacted schools and care homes, but they all obviously declined in person visits at this point.

We started the Art in Lockdown Club that ran from January to Easter. After Easter we decided to target Year 9 students as we could focus on specific skills and levels. We also allowed QCL C1 students to join, which was really good as they could all work together (online) and see one another's’ work.


Teaching online (Teams)

Nicholas Allan is contracted 0.1 to help organise and run outreach projects on behalf of QCL.


The attendance has been good, with students from the SSLP attending every single week (apart from exam week). These online Art clubs have offered a relaxing space for student to make Art and feel part of a group.

Pupil Involvement

Art in Lockdown ran from Jan – Easter 2021, involving boys and girls from Years 7-9

Drawing Club started after Easter (and is still running), involving boys and girls from year 9 only


Every week in term time for one hour