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Drama and Music Outreach

RGS pupils and staff actively engage in drama and music outreach work, collaborating with local schools and theatres to provide workshops, performances, and educational programmes. These initiatives not only showcase our students' talents but also foster a deeper appreciation for the arts within the wider community. A selection of these projects is outlined below.

Two local state schools and young carers were invited in to see our Christmas drama production of A Christmas Carol. RGS also invited three local schools with pupils aged 11-18 to watch their performance of Treasure Island. 

Local schools were also invited to RGS to play in an orchestra together, which led to a performance in the afternoon.

Pupils from two local state primary schools were also invited to join the musical choirs of RGS to sing at a performance at Cadogan Hall. Music teachers from RGS coached the pupils from Years 1 - 13 to sing in a choir for the performance.

We also offered musical outreach for instruments to local state primary schools, with students invited in to watch the whole school summer play of Honk and also our Easter Production of Anything Goes at the Leatherhead Theatre.

Our Director of Music, along with two music teachers, attend three local primary schools to teach Music and also to give CPD to the staff on music teaching. 

We also hosted local state sector primary schools, including St Joseph's School in Redhill, to come and see our pantomime.

Another project involved a workshop with approximately 50 pupils coming together to learn, be choreographed, rehears and then perform to an audience. Classic pieces from Annie, Oliver, The Greatest Showman and more were on the bill. Students learned musical phrasing, responses to sound, dynamics and performance values before performing to parents at the end of the programme.  The children worked with older Reigate Grammar School children who acted as coaches and mentors during the day as well as benefitting from coaching and teaching from the RGS teachers.

The RGS puppet theatre company visited St Matthews School Redhill with their adaptation of The novel The Boy in the Dress by David Walliams. The aim was to use the puppetry to teach Year 4 & 5 pupils about diversity and inclusion - and teaching about perseverance and resilience. 14 RGS pupils travelled to St Matthew's performing to over 400 pupils in the audience. 

We also host the rehearsals at the NYHO. The National Youth Harp Orchestra of Great Britain (formerly the International Harp Ensemble) brings harp playing to the fore. It is a platform of unique and tremendous opportunities for harp enthusiasts of all ages. It is a positive and inspirational training ground for the world of performing.

Students from any school, including a number of local primary schools, can take instrumental/singing lessons at the RGS music department on Saturdays, and also engage in other musical groups and activities as part of the Saturday Music College.  


The aims of the projects are to offer local primary school students the opportunity to participate in a fun but educational theatrical and musical performances.

The aim is also to engage students from across the local community, regardless of school and age, and enable them to use the expertise and facilities of the music staff at Reigate Grammar School to progress their learning of a musical instrument or singing.

Pupil Involvement

Year 7-13


We have a number of musical partnership events during the year, which are on-going and happen every term involving a range of schools.