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Our award-winning Debate Hub(est.2019) brings together pupils from schools in London and beyond for regular training and fixtures so that novices can get more practice.


The aim of this partnership is to develop confidence, speaking and debate. The SHHS DebateHub will be successful if we see continued participation of the partner schools and new students signing up to take part. All participants, whether those debating on stage, being a mentor or judge, or those supporting, will benefit from being exposed to different points of view and opinions and seeing intellectual debate on a wide range of topics. The debating teams will gain confidence to enter more competitive competitions and improve their debating skills even further.


This was an initiative set up by our Director of Debating, who organises the competitions alongside our Debating Coach. They also act as judges, alongside professional judges recruited for each competition. 


The ability of SHHS to host and provide a venue for the competitions, plus access to coaching has been key to the success seen so far. SHHS funds all additional expenses and seeks support from its community to provide these funds.

The enthusiasm of all the schools participating in the competitions and the continued enjoyment of the students has been key to the continued success of the series. 


The impact can be measured in the number of students participating, mentoring and judging. Also, a key impact factor will be the number of students returning to the competitions, plus sign up of new students. Qualitatively, a key impact factor will be seeing the pupils become more confident in speaking up and out and holding their own in a classroom debate.

In autumn 2021 we heard nearly 800 speeches in 132 competitive debates, involving pupils from 24 different schools. Our Debate Coach also delivered workshops for primary school pupils encouraging more young pupils to speak up and speak out.

Pupil Involvement

Students from KS3, KS4 and 6th Form are involved, with a focus on female students.


This is an on-going initiatvie, with a Junior and Senior competition taking place at the end of every term. It is hoped this will continue indefinitely.