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Cutting Edge Science - Biology Symposium

St Edward’s hosted the annual Biology Symposium in collaboration with the Oxford International Biomedical Centre. The North Wall was at capacity with an audience made up of St Edward’s Sixth Form Biologists and pupils from our partnership schools. This year we welcomed Mr Oliver Featherstone from the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Ms Naroa Ibarra-Aizpurua from the University of Oxford, Dr Oliver McCallion from the University of Oxford and Dr Hana Hassanin from the University of Surrey. The talks covered topics including cancer therapies, possible interventions for Parkinson’s disease, prevention of transplant rejections and the history of mRNA vaccines.


Oxford International Biomedical Centre (OIBC) was launched in 1992 in order to improve health and the quality of life across the globe by promoting access to learning and research.




The event was held in the North Wall theatre, our principle partner

Lunch and refreshments provided for all guests

St Edward’s biology staff were involved in delivering the event, including leading a general debate to conclude the day

Pupil Involvement

Approximately 50 Teddies pupils

Approximately 50 pupils from external colleges and 6th Forms


This is an annual event.