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Creativity meets the Digital World

To provide students with an interest in the arts and STEM subjects experience how arts and science can come together when making career choices using a suite of online talks and workshops.


To provide students as they make academic subject choices in Y8/9 and Y10/11, information about following a creative career path, and the route it can take within the digital world.

To introduce younger students to how the worlds of digital media and creativity are linked.

To provide CPD for teachers through careers talks and practical workshops. Information for parents about the range of career opportunities available.

To be able to deliver the information using technology available in the classroom and on mobile devices.



An online suite of resources, workshops and talks produced by creative professionals in theatre, film, music, fashion, computer gaming and animation.

This website arose from students expressing an interest in creativity and science and technology but not sure how they could marry together.

The website was launched n 2021/2021 and is running 2022/2023.

Teachers within the county and city were approached via OAT (Oxford Art Teach) and the OX14 Partnership group.



The material was supplied by the creatives who put the talks and workshops together as videos that were uploaded by the IT department, into a package to send out to schools.

There were meetings over lockdown 1/2 and the website was put together on the return to school September 2021.

3 x St Helen's staff and freelance staff (teaching).1 x St Helen's IT Department (non-teaching staff).1 x support staff (careers)

Financial contribution by St Helen's through support and teaching staff time.


"We completed the fashion workshop, which was amazing and engaging, the students are using the work as part of their Bronze Art award project. But it also inspired them to think, research and plan some other fashion projects (I let them roll with it). They designed T Shirts and learnt how to tie-dye. They tie dyed their own t-shirts and have also tie dyed hair scrunchies which they sold as part of an enterprise project. 

...............the tutorial really lit a fire with them and they have taken control of the fashion project for their Bronze". 

Pupil Involvement

Pupils are in Y9 - 13.

The talks and workshops can be teacher led or self directed.


Once teachers have the website it is up to them how often they use it. It is available until March 2023.  
