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CPD in Artificial Intelligence

Ben Whitaker from Edufuturist delivered training sessions on Artificial Intelligence in education. His keynote speech, AI in Education: Survival of the Fittest, explored the transformative power of AI. He delivered two workshops on practical application in the classroom and within the wider context of an education setting. 

These sessions were attended by teaching staff and the professional support services team from local schools. 


Evaluating AI and its impact outside and inside the classroom is extremely complex. The purpose of this CPD was to offer clear explanations of the challenges ahead as well as equipping those within the teaching profession, precise, simple and practicable strategies.  

The aims of the workshop were:

- To develop a deeper understanding of the essence of AI and its role in education.
-  To explore the most efficient and actionable. strategies when implementing AI in an educational setting.
-  The future of AI in education.
- To identify the transformative potential of AI, sparking creativity and innovation in  teaching approaches. 


AI in education is a new CPD offering and we were delighted that we could share this opportunity with our partnership schools. We are hoping that we can continue this provision next academic year. 


6 school leaders from our partnership schools attend the session, running from 9:00-12:00. 


Feedback from school leaders was very positive and we hope to offer further CPD opportunities this year. 


Single event which we hope to run next year.