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Computing Courses for Teachers

Externally ratified courses provided by the National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE) - who have also named Ellesmere College as a 'Centre of Excellence for Computer Science' - are delivered by the Head of Computer Science in order to train state school teachers in advanced computer proficiency which they can then deliver at their own respective schools. 


The aim is to provide teachers with the opportunity to further develop their computer knowledge and gain a recognised advanced qualification. They can then use this knowledge to improve the Computer Science provision delivered in their dedicated schools. 


These courses have been provided by the National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE), who have also named Ellesmere College as a 'Centre of Excellence for Computer Science', as a part of a substantial government funding scheme to train over 8000 unqualified teachers in CS.


The College computer facilities are required in order to ensure the best possible delivery of the course, and our Head of Computer Science will deliver the course. 


Computer Science teachers will be able to bring this new knowledge back to their respective schools, which will provide students with a higher quality of learning and offer them some additional encouragement in the field of Computer Science. 

Pupil Involvement

Pupils of all ages at the respective schools will be positively impacted by the delivery of this course as their teachers will be able to deliver a higher level of computing knowledge through their Computer Science department. 


Following the success of the inaugural course at the College, they will be delivered annually. 

girl working on office computer