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Community Work

Berwick Living Barracks Project
Pupils designed a cafe for the project as part of their ICT course.

Frequency: Single event

Berwick Community Trust
Pupils and school community give generous support to the food bank and have also supported the help given to the efforts in Ukraine.

Newcastle Central Mosque
Pupils in KS3 studying religious studies have visited Newcastle Central Mosque to help enrich and deepen the pupils' understanding of Islam religion.

Pupil Involvement: Pupils in Year 9.

Frequency: Visit when studying Islam.

Gurdwara Sri Guru Sabha
Pupils in KS3 studying Religious Studies have the opportunity to visit places of worship such as Gurdwara Sri Guru Sabha to help enrich and deepen the pupils' understanding of Sikh religion.

Pupil Involvement: Year 9 pupils.

Frequency: Visit when studying Sikh religion.

Berwick Parish Church
Some of our pupils from Year 4 collaborated with Berwick Parish Church on an environmental project, in which the pupils designed and built a range of hedgehog houses and bug hotels. These are being well used by their inhabitants! The Church is continuing to work to enrich the biodiversity in the churchyard with planting, wilding, erecting bird and bat boxes and keeping bees and are now hoping to install solar panels on the roof; this could reduce carbon emissions by 1,931 kg of CO2 each year, equivalent to the emissions of a car journey of 6897 miles. Pupils at Longridge have taken part in a short film which gives more information about the church's carbon neutral project, which aims to raise £10,000 in conjunction with the Aviva Community Fund who provide live match funding. 

Pupils have also assisted in work to install solar panels on the church roof.

Aims: Improving the biodiversity of the churchyard.

Pupil Involvement: All pupils.

Frequency: On-going.

Berwick Archers
Berwick Archers are a local archery club who provide enrichment activities for our pupils in exchange for use of the hall to train in once a week. A mutually beneficial arrangement for local community and pupils.

Colour Run
Use of grounds and facilities for charity run. This is run in coordination with our Development Agency, supported by our parents.

Aims: Fun event at school to promote healthy living and share our grounds