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Community Work

Glassdoor Homeless Charity
Students and staff supported the Glassdoor campaign, Sleep out to help out, by sleeping out on school grounds to raise over £1000 for the charity.

Aims: Aim to raise over £1000 for the charity.

Resources: School facilities

Student and 4 teachers took part

Pupil Involvement
Sixth Formers

Frequency: Annual

Harvest festival and Christmas presents
The school community donates and collects items for Harvest Festival and Christmas presents for the charity.

Aims: To collect and donate items to the charity.

Resources: Collection at the school

Co-ordinated by the Social Impact Committee.

Frequency: Ongoing

Ancient World Breakfast Club
The Ancient World Breakfast Club (AWBC) was established in 2005 as a weekly lecture series to promote the study of the ancient world among members of the wider local community. Membership is currently over 200 people – and the club has developed a fine reputation for attracting distinguished speakers on many and varied topics to do with the ancient world. 

The club continued on-line during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Aims: To foster a sense of community and provide valuable and intellectually inspiring talks for people who live locally. There are many regular retired members for whom the breakfast club is an important social touchpoint in their week.

Background: The AWBC was established in 2005 and is run by members of the Classics department at Godolphin and Latymer.

Resources: School facilities, classics teaching staff, catering staff. A breakfast is provided and there is a nominal fee.

Pupil Involvement: The club is also attended by Sixth Form Classics students.

Frequency: Each week during term-time. Indefinite.

Brackenbury Residents Society
Our local residents society use the school hall for their AGM and social events.

Aims: To foster a sense of community and to provide a service to our local residents.

Resources: School Hall. Premises staff.

Frequency: Every year.

Hammersmith and Fulham Food Bank
The school runs regular collections for our local food bank supported be talks and visits to the school from Hammersmith and Fulham Food Bank representatives. 

Use of our Facilities by a Local Church
The School accommodates the congregation of The Church of the Holy Innocents, a local church, for their Palm Sunday service in the Chapel of St. John the Evangelist, in the School's Bishop Centre.