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Community work

Music workshops and concerts
Based in the Ash Green area of Coventry, the Pears Centre offers individually-tailored education, care and therapies to children and young people with multiple disabilities and complex health needs who are blind or partially sighted, from pre-school up to the age of 19. Our Music Department visits to give music workshops to individual classes as well as performing concerts at Christmas and playing in the ‘Tasty Treats Café’, which is run by the Centre's Sixth Form students.

Rotary Youth Speaks competitions
Bablake loans its theatre for the local rounds of the intermediate and senior Rotary Youth Speaks competitions.

Multi-faith meeting
A meeting of faith leaders from around the city hosted by Bablake on the occasion of the visit of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Christian, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Muslim faith groups were represented. 

Wasps Netball Academy community hub
Bablake provides free use of its netball courts (outdoor and indoor) on a weekly basis to Wasps Netball Academy to train local children.

MCC Foundation Cricket Hub
Use of Bablake's facilities (free of charge) for ten-week courses for local children. The Foundation funds coaching and equipment for young cricketers with the emphasis on supporting youngsters attending state schools where cricket facilities are limited or non-existent.

City of Coventry Brass Band
City of Coventry Brass Band rehearses weekly (free of charge) in the school theatre, with local children and adult members.

Coventry 42nd Scouts, 1st Gilmorton Scouts and 1st Broughton Astley Scouts use our climbing wall c.10 times annually (free-of-charge) under the supervision and instruction of a Bablake teacher.