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Community Work

Supporting the Refugee Cricket Project
The Refugee Cricket Project is a charitable offshoot of the Refugee Council and aims to cater for Afghan asylum seeking minors, so that they have a sense of community and identity away from their daily lives of foster families, care homes and appeals.

The partnership was established in 2016 with the first tour taking place that summer.

College provides the accommodation, facilities and transport for the Afghan boys when on tour.  College pupils also take a lead in arranging cricket fixtures.

In addition College provides all the necessary cricket equipment, including whites, bats, kit, blazers and training clothing.

This is now an established and enduring commitment with a tour party staying at College in July each year.

Volunteering at Sandford Park
Our 4th Form students go out weekly to help maintain the grounds in the parks.  They are accompanied by a College teacher and involved in a range of activities including -

- Gardening tasks in the park to clear away areas and also pruning and cutting back trees and shrubs at appropriate times to help them grow.

- Litter picking to keep the park looking tidy.

- When the light has been poor the group have looked at the history of Sandford Park and began to put together research for an information panel in the Park

Benefits are keeping the park tidy for all to enjoy and looking after the plants and trees to encourage growth.

College pupils are actively involved in 'giving back' to their local community and are exposed to the benefits that come from their work.  They also gain a sense of achievement from being involved in worthwhile activity.

This is a new initiative that started in September 2017 following an approach made by College to the Cheltenham Borough Council.

The partnership project will be reviewed annually.

Pupil Involvement:
Pupils are in Yr 10

This is a weekly programme across all three terms. It is anticipated that this project will remain on-going.

Local Care Homes outreach initiative
Windsor Street Care Home is just one of the 6 local care homes for the elderly and infirm, that Cheltenham College students visit on a weekly basis. Other local care homes include -Abbeyfield, Thirlestaine Park, Baytree, Faithfull House and Charlton Kings.

At all of the care homes, 4th and 6th Form students provide help and assistance to the elderly. Students who help at Windsor Street first undergo a full training programme, so that they fully understand the demands of dealing with patients with dementia and how to act appropriately.

Throughout all our visits to the care homes there are many activities that take place, including playing board games, sharing of residents photograph albums with them and spending time talking about anything of interest to them. On occasions we arrange short musical recitals, which are always very popular.

Residents are also invited for Christmas and Easter meals at the College and attend some of the Chapel services, including Choral Evensong.

In the Summer College are planning a Summer Tea Party for residents, which our students will play a key role in hosting.

The main aim is for Cheltenham College students to provide help and assistance to the residents of these Care Homes. Other aims are that the residents benefit from having a link with the College and feel part of the community.  In return our students are able to understand some of the demands of dealing with those with dementia and other conditions, and learn how to act appropriately.  
The links began in 2013.

One member of staff accompanies between 5 and 10 4th Form students each week.

Year 12 students attend in groups of 2+ and work under the supervision of the Activities Coordinators in the homes.

Pupil Involvement:
Year 10 and Year 12 pupils at Cheltenham College volunteer to visit these Care Homes.  Both boys and girls participate in this activity.

Visits take place weekly during school term time and it is a project that is likely to continue over the foreseeable future.

Prefects' Charity - Teenage Cancer Trust'
Teenage Cancer Trust is the only charity in the UK dedicated to improving the lives of teenagers and young people with cancer.  They provide life-changing care and support so young people don't have to face cancer alone.

The TCT aims to improve early diagnosis through raising awareness of the main warning signs of cancer between the ages of 13 and 24.

College Prefects have elected the Teenage Cancer Trust (TCT) as their chosen charity for 2018-2019.  This will involve a number of key fund-raising events, alongside active involvement with the TCT locally at Cheltenham General hospital.

Updates will follow once the new Autumn term starts.  

Prefects' Charity - The Chamwell Centre
The prefects nominated the Chamwell Centre as their sole charity in terms of fund-raising and support. 

Key fund-raising events that took place were a whole school walk across Leckhampton Hill
and a one million metre sponsored Row
Rugby at Sixways Stadium Worcester. By the end of the academic year the Prefects exceeded their original target set, by raising in excess of £24,000

Pupil Involvement:
The entire school were involved in the Whole School Walk (pupils and College staff).

In addition individual pupils and groups planned fund-raising events independently.

The Prefects charity changes every year.  

In partnership with Gogar Primary School (Kenya)
Our long-standing partnership with Gogar Primary School in Kenya dates back to 2004.  College supports the school in the re-building, renovation and development of its entirety.  College also sponsors the education of 2 of its pupils throughout their secondary education.

College support has funded

- the building, renovation and equipping of classrooms
- the building of the library and school kitchen
- the construction of latrines and a water-collecting system

In collaboration with the Vanessa Grant Trust, College sponsors the education of 2 under privileged children.

This remains an enduring commitment which College values highly.

Befriending at Cheltenham General Hospital
Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust -Cheltenham College U6th students currently volunteer on a weekly basis at Cheltenham Hospital.

The Hospital offers our students the opportunity to interact and engage with patients on the wards, and help out with general ward duties.

Upper 6th College students attend on a weekly basis currently in the role of 'Befriending'.  This takes place on the wards and the role involves, talking to patients and helping at meal times.  Other activities include sharing of news, as well as helping with weekly menu choices.

To provide opportunities to students where they are exposed to the needs of patients in hospital and learn sensitive and effective communication skills. To broaden students' awareness of the different roles found in hospitals.

Success depends on students being sufficiently trained in order to fulfil the needs of patients, ward staff and visitors.

Beneficiaries include the patients in particular, who we hope enjoy our visits and look forward to them.

Students will benefit in terms developing people skills; dealing with individuals in difficult times; future medical students will gain from seeing the variety of roles/departments that function within the hospital environment.

College identified that becoming involved with the local community through the hospital would present a valuable volunteering opportunity for our U6th students, and would hopefully benefit all those assosicated with the hospital.

The opportunity was identified through discussions with James Stubbert and Dr Dunning with the hospital during the Summer 2017.

The volunteering partnership started in October 2017 and has been positively acknowledged by both parties since.  Now in its third year the partnership continues to evolve and develop. 

To ensure the project is successful there will always be an induction to the programme, followed by hospital induction to individual roles within the hospital. 

The project will be reviewed on a yearly basis, with regular interim meetings to discuss general progress.

Pupil Involvement:
This volunteering initiative is available to Upper 6th pupils.

The pupils visit the Wards once a week throughout the academic year. It is anticipated that this will be an on-going opportunity offered to U6th pupil each year.