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Community Work 2023/4

Community work case studies from the 2023-4 academic year:

Community ASEAN Evening
Two Monkton Year 12 pupils planned and hosted a meal for local residents as a way of sharing ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) culture and food with the community, as part of their Leadership Project. 

The pupils gave a presentation to educate the guests about ASEAN culture, before then putting on a masterclass about how to make summer rolls. The evening finished with everyone sharing a traditional East Asian meal.

Aims: The aim of the evening was for Monkton pupils to share their culture with the local community, develop planning and communication skills, and complete part of their Leadership Project. The hope was to educate and inspire local residents, along with forging connections across generations. 

The pupils came up with the idea themselves and identified the need to bring their culture to local residents.

Background: The two Monkton pupils identified the opportunity and organised the event themselves. 

They made contact with the local community group through the school’s prior connections and with the help of Sister D, a former matron at Monkton who still volunteers at the school and lives in the village. The event was open to any in the village who wanted to attend.

Being situated in the centre of the village, Monkton has a rich history with residents and ongoing connections, with a number of former staff and parents living in the locality.

Resources: Two Year 12 pupils organised the event, and were assisted by one additional pupil, one member of teaching staff, and Sister D, a former member of staff who is still very involved with the school.

The event took place in Monkton Combe Village Hall.

The guests made a donation for the food, and all funds raised after costs were donated to the Genesis Trust.

Impact: Monkton pupils benefited from learning skills around planning and communication, whilst also completing part of their leadership project.

Local residents benefited from learning about a culture they had little prior knowledge of, and coming away with some recipes to try for themselves.

Both the pupils and residents also benefited from interaction with the other, and communication and social skills that brought. 

After the evening, feedback was received from the Chairman of the Monkton Combe Village Hall: - 

The ASEAN evening was a spectacular success, due in no small part to all the hard work from [the two pupils], who entertained us with glimpses of Asian culture, educated us with a brief history of the area (which few of us knew anything about beforehand) and demonstrated their culinary skills in creating 'summer rolls' and supervising our novice attempts at copying them. Then, to cap it all, they prepared a typical East Asian dish and served it with jugs of cordial and lemongrass tea. The whole evening was a revelation to attendees who went away with recipes to try out for themselves. Certainly they will be able to visit a Thai restaurant in future with a better understanding of the menu!

Pupil Involvement: Two Monkton Year 12 pupils planned, organised and carried out the event. They were assisted by one other Year 12 pupil to help prepare the food and be an extra pair of hands.

Frequency: This was a one-off event. We hope that other pupils may be inspired to host similar events in the future.

Supporting Genesis Trust at Bath Half 2024
A group of 7 Monkton pupils, along with some parents and staff volunteered at the baggage tent for Genesis Trust at the Bath Half 2024 in March. 

Genesis Trust is a charity supporting the homeless.

Aims: As part of our ongoing partnership with Genesis Trust and commitment to support them as a school, a group of Monkton pupils, staff and parents volunteered to support them at the Bath Half. The aim was to support them on the day in the smooth operation of their baggage tent and consequently the Bath Half as a whole. 

Background: This is a result of ongoing partnership between the Genesis Trust and Monkton. We have helped them in this way previously and they invited us back to help again. 

Resources: A group of 7 pupils, 3 parents, and 4 staff members attended to help in the baggage tent. 

Impact: The group from Monkton were able to contribute to the smooth running of the operation on the day, managing over 4000 bags for the runners! This benefitted both the Genesis Trust and the runners taking part. Monkton pupils also benefited from the experience, learning organisation and communication skills as well as the benefits of serving the community. 

Pupil Involvement: 7 pupils from Years 10-12 volunteered to take part.

Frequency: This is an event we help with each year as part of our ongoing partnership with Genesis Trust, we are hoping that it will continue.

Fox Hill Focus Christmas Hampers and Lunch
A group of Monkton Sixth Form pupils visited Fox Hill Focus' community Christmas lunch. Our pupils helped to set-up, serve food, sing carols, chat to guests, and tidy up. Monkton also provided 45 Christmas hampers for distribution to the community. 

Aims: For Monkton pupils to provide service to the community; to help Fox Hill with their lunch and provide hampers containing supplies to those in need.

Background: This is the second year Monkton has helped with the Fox Hill lunch, with the opportunity initially arising last year through our link with St Andrew's Community Church in Fox Hill. This year we were invited back to help again. 

Resources: 9 Monkton Sixth Form students and 3 members of staff visited Fox Hill. 

The Monkton community put together 45 Christmas hampers. 

Impact: Monkton pupils benefitted from the opportunity to interact with and serve the local community. The Fox Hill Focus team appreciated having support from Monkton pupils, and the guests enjoyed having pupils there. 

The hampers that will be given out through Fox Hill Focus will benefit those in the community in need this Christmas. 

Here is some feedback from one of the Fox Hill team: 

"It was just lovely to have the students singing carols to warmly welcome guests inside! We had so many comments from guests who loved having them there to serve and sing, and I know the whole team really appreciated all their help and cheerful willingness to serve."

Pupil Involvement: Monkton pupils played an essential role in helping at the lunch - setting up, serving lunch and drinks, clearing up, singing carols, and chatting to guests.

These pupils are all in our Sixth Form, and it was a mix of boys and girls. 

Frequency: This is the second year Monkton has helped Fox Hill, and we hope that it will be an annual event going forward. 

Supporting Genesis Trust at Bath Half
A group of 14 Monkton pupils, along with some parents and staff volunteered at the baggage tent for Genesis Trust at the Bath Half 2023, in October, raising money at the same time. 

Genesis Trust is a charity supporting the homeless.

Aims: This part of our ongoing partnership with Genesis Trust and commitment to support them as a school. The aim was to support them on the day in the smooth operation of their baggage tent and consequently the Bath Half as a whole. 

Background: This is an ongoing partnership between the Genesis Trust and Monkton. We have helped them previously and they invited us back to help again. 

Resources: A group of 14 pupils, 3 parents, and 2 staff members attended to help in the baggage tent.

There were a separate group from the Monkton community who ran the Bath Half for Genesis. 

Impact: The group from Monkton were able to contribute to the smooth running of the operation on the day. This benefitted both the Genesis Trust and the runners taking part. Money was raised per head of those who helped, a total of £785 for the Genesis Trust. Monkton pupils also benefited from the experience, learning organisation and communication skills as well as the benefits of serving the community. 

Pupil Involvement: 14 pupils from Years 10-12 volunteered to take part.

Frequency: This is an event we help with each year as part of our ongoing partnership with Genesis Trust, we are hoping that it will continue.

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