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Community Work

Students at Taunton School International Raise Money for Macmillan

Students at Taunton School International raised £166 for Macmillan Cancer Support with a coffee morning and cake sale!


Bake Sale and Raffle for ‘Save New Beacon Bookshop’ campaign

Students organised a bake sale and raffle of two books written by Black authors to contribute to the campaign saving the only remaining independent Black publisher and bookseller in the UK from closure.

Teaching students about Black history through literature, poetry and fiction is an excellent way of developing understanding, empathy and a general awareness of the immense contribution of the Black community to so many aspects of our shared histories. It is important for students to know why diversity and challenging mainstream narratives is so important.

A teacher at TSIMS wanted to encourage the discussion about diversity and knew about the campaign.

The schools' facilities were used.

The bookshop achieved its crowdfunding target and continues to be open and publish Black and alternative voices.

Pupil Involvement:
Taunton School International Middle School students.

One time event.


RaG Week Fundraising

RaG Week (Friday 11th – Thursday 17th February) is an annual event organised by the RaG Society with the help of the school prefects to raise money for the school’s charities. This year the school supported the YMCA and Taunton Opportunities Group.

Students are encouraged to come up with their own fundraising activities. Promoted working together as well as identifying the need for kindness and charity within the local community.

This is an annual event run by the students and staff.

Several of the schools' facilities are used throughout the week. Teaching staff also participate in events.

The week connects the students with the local community, they gain a clear understanding of why they are raising money. Over £3,000 was raised for the YMCA and Taunton Opportunities Group.

Pupil Involvement:
Sixth Form students run the events, but students of any age can participate.

A week, once a year.


Taunton Live & Pride Sponsorship
The school sponsored Taunton Live & Pride, a one day celebration of Arts, Culture, Diversity and Inclusion. This is a free event with stages, a literary area, children's area as well as free creative workshops and food stalls. 

The school wanted to show its ongoing support for the LGBTQ+ community both as an ethos and in the local community. Taunton School believes in championing diversity and creating spaces for marginalised groups to have their voices heard.

This is an annual event run by an independent company.

A financial contribution was made to  assist with events costs, allowing it to be free entry.

The event is celebrated within the community and was a success in terms of turn out and LGBTQ+ visibility. With the event being able to be free it allowed anyone to experience the day and engage and learn what the community represents.

One time event.


Local Club Sponsorships

Taunton School continues to sponsor a number of local clubs to help them continue to be available to the local community. 

By sponsoring local clubs it supports the local communities ability to access clubs and facilities as well as establishing ourselves as a presence in the community as a school that cares and is committed to contribute to the benefit of the community.

This is an ongoing set of partnerships.

A financial contribution is made to help with equipment, facility maintenance, staffing etc.

There are a diverse range of clubs and facilities that can be accessed by the local community. This also creates opportunities for children to engage in extra curricular activities as well as adult teams, both of which represent the community in sporting events.



Zero to Landfill

Taunton School is proud to be championing a “Zero to Landfill” initiative, leading the way on sustainability in schools by minimising its environmental impact. The School will ensure that all waste collected is processed for recycling, with nothing ending up in landfill. They are the first school in Somerset to engage in such a project with Exeter-based Devon Contract Waste (DCW) and have ambitions to be the greenest school in Somerset.

Become the greenest school in Somerset.

See here

Pupil Involvement:
Pupils across the whole of Taunton School.
Taunton Prep School has a well-established 'Eco Leaders' group who promote sustainability and aim to raise awareness of the intrinsic link with nature and our surroundings.

On-going project


School Production on Shakespeare's 'Much Ado About Nothing'

Students in Years 9 to 13 from the Taunton School Drama department put on an amazing performance of the unique adaptation and thrilled the audience in the school theatre, over three consecutive nights.

It was the first time that the classic comedy had been performed at Taunton School since 1972, which back then saw the starring role from current Chair of Governors, Henry Keeling.

With a soundtrack of classic hits from artists such as Right Said Fred, Mark Ronson and The Village People, to name but a few, the modernised interpretation had both the audience and the cast enjoying the spectacle of live theatre.

To provide entertainment to the local community.

School production at Taunton School using the theatre, given by students in Years 9 to 13.

Pupil Involvement:
Students in Years 9 to 13, both male and female.

3-day production in June.


Cricket partnership with Stogumber

Taunton School Director of Cricket delivers outreach training sessions at Stogumber Cricket Club. 

The aim is to demonstrate what the Taunton School cricket programme offers young players and to help Stogumber structure and deliver future sessions. 

Staff and students from Taunton School. 

Every student to have a positive experience. 


Supporting the Centre for Outdoor Activity & Community Hub

Taunton School has committed to support the Centre for Outdoor Activity and Community Hub (COACH) for the next five years and will be recognised as the exclusive independent school sponsor/supporter of COACH.

Taunton School will support COACH open days and key events for youth activities, by arrangement.

Pupil Involvement:
Pupils of all ages from Taunton School will benefit from COACH and will support the activity centre for Open Events and youth activities.

On-going support for the next five years