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Community Work

Oxford Gatehouse – Charity Partner for 2021

The partnership began in 2019 with a charity art exhibition at the North Wall Trust. This has since developed into a fundraising and educational partnership.

To help our pupils gain a closer understanding of the issues surrounding vulnerably housed and homelessness in Oxfordshire and to support the Oxford Gatehouse with funds, food and resources for their clients. . The Gatehouse was voted the school charity for 2021.

The Gatehouse offers free support for adults aged 25+ who are homeless, vulnerably housed, on low income and/or looking for company and community.

Although the St Edward’s pupils are not able to directly help serve the adult clients  at the Gatehouse, they have been able to help by going to their Headquarters and making up food parcels for the clients  before they arrive. During this time, they have been able to find out about all the work that the Gatehouse staff do including  the one to one support that Casework Team offer.

The school has carried out various events such as collecting food, clothes, towels and toiletries for the Gatehouse and fundraising.

Pupil Involvement:
A number of our sixth form pupils have visited the Gatehouse Headquarters during the past year to help with food parcels and cleaning.  Most pupils at school have been involved in fundraising activities for the Gatehouse including 4 pupils who chose the Gatehouse as their charity to support whilst running the Oxford Half Marathon.

The food parcel making has been a non-regular activity. The School Charity runs from January – December 2021


Food Aid - Catering Team

The St Edward’s School Catering Team assist local Charities by providing food boxes

To support the local charities with food boxes for the local community

Oxford Mutual Aid provides 330 households with regular food and baby supplies, delivers 190 emergency food parcels a month and cooks over 650 meals a week. It was set up in March 2020.

St Edward’s School partnered with Oxford Mutual Aid as part of their ‘Kitchen Collective Programme’ and each week cooks and boxes up in takeaway boxes, 75 main meals and puddings

The Limes Club, in North Oxford is a day centre which provides care and support to help people live well with dementia. St Edward’s School provides 20 people that attend the club their lunch and pudding on Mondays and Tuesdays, every week.

- Chef and catering staff
- School food

Meal recipient of Oxford Mutual Aid:

‘Your gift of hot meals at a time of loneliness and desperation has cheered me up so much. Because it isn’t just the food: the love and kindness that comes with it are helping me so much. When you live entirely alone, you don’t feel strong enough to demand help or company and this is where people fall through the cracks.’

Meal recipient of Oxford Mutual Aid:

‘My health has improved tremendously since I started receiving these meals, thank you ever so much.’

Pupil Involvement:
Limited, though we use these case studies in the education of our pupils about the challenges existing within our local community.

These are weekly activities. Lunches are provided every Tuesday to Oxford Mutual Aid and every Monday and Tuesday to Limes Club.


Cutteslowe Horticultural Therapy & Garden Centre

St Edward’s pupils assist with gardening projects at the Cutteslowe Horticultural Therapy & Garden Centre more commonly known as the Community Garden Centre

St Edward’s School provides weekly assistance with gardening at the Community Garden Centre. This could be weeding and planting in given areas or clearing areas that are over grown and helping to provide a more suitable habitat for local wildlife. In winter the pupils help indoors with various tidying and organising jobs in the centre. This can be restocking shelves or re organising displays.

The Cutteslowe Horticultural Therapy & Garden Centre offers horticultural therapy for people with disabilities and learning difficulties, as well as employment and volunteer opportunities.  This is run in partnership with Charterville Care using People in Action's experience and expertise of offering horticulture therapy within community settings.

Located within the grounds of the prestigious Cutteslowe & Sunnymead Park in Oxford, Charterville Care’s Horticultural Therapy Nursery offers flexible day placements supported by trained horticultural therapy specialists. Charterville Care is an established, highly regarded, quality provider of care and support throughout Oxfordshire.

- Taxis
- All gardening equipment used belongs to the centre

The pupils have reported the benefits from the therapeutic nature of gardening and working outside and being away from school. They learn about the plants and environment as they have to research plants that work best different environments (eg shady areas) and what plants best attract wildlife.

The Centre benefits from additional labour hours thus allowing their staff to concentrate on other projects.

Pupil Involvement:
5 pupils do this activity weekly and are escorted by a member of staff

Weekly - ongoing