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Community links and volunteering

Repton Prep is heavily involved with the community through pupil volunteering, fundraising and music  concerts. 

Repton pupils host meetings twice a term for the Evergreens, to share stories across the generations and enjoy afternoon tea.  We look forward to the next one on 15th November.

A group of Sixth Form pupils volunteer on a weekly basis at Newlands, a Leonard Cheshire home for adults with physical disabilities, chatting to residents, sharing experiences and activities, and supporting fundraising events including the annual Summer Fete.

A group of Repton Sixth Formers are very fortunate in having the opportunity to volunteer each week on the wards of Royal Derby - a powerful insight into the life of this busy teaching hospital.

Foremarke pupils love to entertain!  Never more so than to the elderly residents of our local community.  The Repton Evergreens (our local over-60s club) regularly enjoy our drama productions, which have recently included Oliver!, Grease, Wind in the Willows, and Christmas nativities in the Lower School and Pre-Prep.  A welcome cup of tea always goes down well afterwards, too!

The pupils of Foremarke Hall continue to use their local church, St Saviour's, during term time and enjoy joining with the local community to celebrate such occasions as Harvest Festival and Christmas - the mince pies always being appreciated by the congregation afterwards!  On such occasions as these, the school also provides musical accompaniment and choirs from our excellent Music Department to make the celebrations extra special.

Foremarke Hall Music Department arranged a concert to raise money for Rainbows Hospice, a cause very close to the heart of the Foremarke community.  The Chamber Choir and Boys' and Girls' Choirs worked closely with the Choral Scholars from King's College, Cambridge - The King's Men - to perform an inspiring concert at Derby Cathedral.  The warmth of the audience, made up of parents and the local community, was apparent when they raised a donation in excess of £5,000.

A group of Foremarke instrumentalists visited Derby Royal Hospital.  The children played a selection of Christmas carols to numerous people, including patients and staff, who were passing through the main corridor.  Many stopped to listen and gave generously to the charity which the hospital was supporting.  The children were treated to hot chocolate after what was a most rewarding experience for them.  Many lovely comments were made from members of the public and our young musicians saw again how music can lift the spirits of people and brighten their day.

Over 20 Foremarke pupils performed a lunchtime concert at St Wystan's Church in Repton to a local audience.  The lovely acoustics in the church were enjoyed by the pupils and audience alike which included a solo flute performance of Londonderry Air, the Loeillet Flute duet (Gavotte), Handel's Dove Sei sang in a most assured and accomplished manner, a song performed in Hindi and a Chinese folk song fascinated our audience and it was wonderful to hear one of our pupils play the magnificent church organ.

We are extremely proud of our link with the National Children's Orchestras of Great Britain.  Children from all over the UK auditioned here at Foremarke with the aim of gaining a place in this most prestigious group of Orchestras.  The concerts demonstrate what a wealth of talent these children have; performances are truly mind blowing particularly from children so young.  What is always most evident is how much they enjoy playing together, performing with those of a similar standard and who share an innate love of Music.

Foremarke's School Council and 'R-Team' Charity Representatives showed great initiative and held a Cake and Sweet Stall in aid of Sport Relief.  They raised an astonishing £488.22!  Many pupils walked a mile in the PSHE lessons, too.

The parent body of Foremarke Hall, which runs our nearly new shop, the 'Stock Exchange', made a generous donation of £2,000 to our local church.  This money will help towards redecorating this pretty little church of great historical significance, which was consecrated in 1662.

Foremarke pupils spent a week in November focussing on anti-bullying.  The week ended with pupils coming to school dressed all in blue to raise money for their chosen charity, the NSPCC.

Remembrance Sunday is undoubtedly one of the busiest but most moving and rewarding days for our Chamber Choir.  Our Choir supported the hymn singing, sang "Abide with Me" accompanied by a combined Police and Army band and performed Foremarke's own specially rehearsed work for the wreath laying.  Our boarding community was also in attendance and later took the opportunity to have a look around the Arboretum.  This really is one of those days when the gift of music adds so much for all.

How many twelve year olds from India would be capable of attending an overseas school and being taught in a foreign language?  Jaivik, one of the children from Project Mala India, has just returned after a year at Foremarke Hall Preparatory School.  Jaivik exceeded all expectations.   The idea to bring a child to study in an English school was the brainchild of the Foremarke Trust who proposed and totally financed everything.  As this has been such a great success, Foremarke Trust has now agreed to take another boy next year. The boy they have chosen is an orphan named Niraj.


Events are ongoing.