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Community links and volunteering

Prime Time, based at Busbridge and Hambledon Church, offers a varied programme for anyone retired or semi-retired, designed to cater for a diverse older generation. Prior's Field School offers regular opportunities throughout the year for the participants of the group to attend events.

In Sixth Form we offer the opportunity to participate in the volunteering programme in the local community where students attend weekly sessions for several months. Usually, over half of the Sixth Form opt to get involved and support local schools, care homes and charities in a range of ways.


Many of the Prime Time events with Prior's Field are centred around building links with students and the older generation. We provide a wide range of activities and events such as:

Music Recitals

Theatre Performances 

Sunday lunch and afternoon tea 

Art Exhibitions

Christmas Carol Service

All in the Prime Time group are welcome to attend any or all of these events.


It started in 2016 when the Prior's Field School Boarders Committee identified that they did not feel part of the local community outside school, and asked if staff could help them reach out and support the community around the school. They were particularly keen to find older people who might be lonely and be able to add some enrichment to their lives.


Not only does this link benefit the Prime Time group, but it is really important for Prior's Field boarders too. Hosting events and looking after others gives many of them opportunities to build confidence and learn new skills - learning to carve a chicken at Sunday lunch being a lasting memory! Many of the boarders might not see older family members term to term, and find that they enjoy being able to give some companionship, and enjoyment to the group.

The primary school pupils, ranging from reception to Year 6, have found the involvement in the classes particularly valuable, the volunteers help with Art projects, one-to-one reading, and PE lessons amongst other things.

Pupil Involvement

Approximately 30 boarders are involved in the Summer Afternoon Teas and 20 boarders are involved in Sunday Lunches. 



The Prime Time group attends 4/5 events at PF each year. The boarders attend 1 or 2 events held at the Primetime group.

The sixth form volunteering programme typically consists of hourly sessions, weekly for five months each year.