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Community Involvement

The school plays an active role within the community, carrying out numerous fundraising events throughout the year. 

Just a few examples of these are:

- A charity sale within the senior school to raise awareness for a range of local and national charities. 

-  Volunteering at local food banks

- KS1 Nativity performance

- Wear spots or Pyjama's for Children in Need 

- Wear yellow day was to raise awareness of the important work of Young Minds, the UK’s leading charity fighting for young people’s mental health. 

- Harvest Festival food collection for the West Berkshire Food Bank

- McMillan cake sale to raise money towards cancer research


The school aims to support local and national charities, as well as encouraging the pupils to become actively involved in the community. 


Many of these collections and fundraising events happen each year, however the charities vary based upon the nominations of the form groups. The charities chosen are considered based upon community impact and need within the local area.


Students, teachers and parents of the school provided resources for these events. 

The school provides transport where needed. 


We hope the donations given will add opportunities for the charity to support even more people in need. 

Pupil Involvement

Students across all year groups and teachers are involved in these events. 


Events occur on an annual basis.