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Community Choir

To provide an online community singing experience during lockdown, to help improve the mental health and well-being of the participants.


Need to build/maintain the school community during lockdown. The Director of Music identified the need to bring people together through a difficult time. Established during lockdown during the pandemic.


Online event - Zoom platform.
Teaching staff - ERS.


Positive feedback from participants following weekly rehearsals. Members of the Choir contributed to an online performance for Founders Day.

Pupil Involvement

Y9 - 13 pupils + adults, (staff, parents, ON's etc); mixed gender.


Single event. Aim is to follow up the project by inviting adult members of the School Community to rehearse together for future whole school events (Xmas Carol Service & Founders Day). Covid made this tricky for the recent Carol Service, but by Founders Day (June), this will be possible.