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Community Action Support of Local Primary Schools Derbyshire Residential

For more than 30 years, members of Nottingham High School Community Action group have provided staffing and support for an annual residential weekend, taking primary school children from inner-city Nottingham out to rural Derbyshire.


The key aims of this long standing partnership between Nottingham High School and two local primary schools (St Anns Well Academy and Huntingdon Academy) provide benefits for the primary school pupils:

  • Providing a rare opportunity to experience rural surroundings away from inner-city Nottingham.
  • Personal development.
  • A positive, fun and memorable experience promoting self-esteem and a positive outlook.

The positive links between the schools also provides excellent opportunities for our sixth-form Community Action members:

  • Further volunteering and leadership opportunities.
  • Social awareness and a chance to work with children from a variety of backgrounds.
  • A chance to give back to our community.


A need was identified by our partner schools to provide further funding and staffing to give these primary school children a hugely valuable experience.

The residential weekends have been held annually in the Summer in either Castleton or Dovedale for over 30 years.

Pupil Involvement

Each year, 32 Year 5 boys and girls from St Anns Well and Huntingdon Schools are provided with this residential opportunity.

Two teaching staff from each primary school, two Nottingham High School Community Action staff and 10 sixth form members of our Community Action group accompany the trip.