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Community Action

Pupils’ involvement in Community Action has a considerable profile within Dulwich College and is recognised in the award of Community Action Ties and in the award of College Colours as a requirement of the Dulwich Diploma conferred to pupils in Year 13. Community Action refers to volunteering and fundraising activities. 


Volunteering weekly or fortnightly allows Dulwich College boys in Years 10 to 13 to learn new skills during their lunch break or after school for two terms a year. 


Pupils’ involvement in Community Action has a considerable profile within Dulwich College and is recognised in the award of Community Action Ties and in the award of College Colours as a requirement of the Dulwich Diploma conferred to pupils in Year 13. Community Action refers to volunteering and fundraising activities. 


As Covid restrictions lifted we were able to resume our Community Action programme working with other local schools and charitable causes where the service users were not considered too vulnerable to the risk of Covid infection.

Our Year 8 strong quartet performed at two-charity fundraising events - the Link Age Gala and #CookForukraine.


In addition to volunteering the Boys also partake in fundraising activities. There are five Charity Co-ordinators at Dulwich College.  The Senior Management Team chooses a charity for the term and the students organise themselves to raise money.  The boys chose to organise one event and one sacrifice per term – for example a technology-free mufti day with a £3 entry.

In 2021/22 we donated used sports kit to SOS Kit Aid who distribute the clothing all over the globe, and pupils raised £2,809 for Save the Children with a Christmas Jumper Day.

Pupil Involvement

On Thursday afternoons thirteen mentors from years 12&13 attend Dulwich Wood primary school as reading mentors.

Three times per week a further five pupils attend an after-school club to assist with activities taking place for approximately 20 primary pupils. Other pupils conduct similar one-to-one activities at Dulwich Village Infants School and Judith Kerr Primary School.

Pupils also attended West Norwood cemetery where they help with gardening, and others go to The Elms Care Home.

In total 100 pupils in year 10 and above participate in the Community Action programme.


Volunteering is fortnightly during the first two terms of the academic year.  Fundraising targets are set on a termly basis, the activities vary.