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Classics For All Conference at Harrow School

25 teachers took part in the course over two days at Harrow School. Lots of swapping of best practice and some good expertise developed in the delivering of the Classics curriculum. Many are starting up classics clubs or on timetable Latin in their schools and gained more expertise in the languages. The course was extremely well received with every delegate saying that they would come again if was offered in the future.

The schools that attended were:

Harris Academy Chafford Hundred

St Gabriel's College

Colston's Girls' School

Temple Hill Primary

Sidney Stringer School

Alperton Community School

Teddington School and Esher High

Hele's School, Plymouth

Green Spring Academy Shoreditch

Bentley Wood School

Cobham Free School

Hamstead Hall School

Exmouth Community College

St Gabriel's College

Rugby High School

Parkside Community College

Loreto College, St Albans

Solihull Sixth Form College





Significant resources were required and a great deal of time was given to setting up the conference by Head of Classics, Dr Steven Kennedy.