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Classics at KS2

Our Head of Classics offers workshops based on the Roman Myths, legends and culture.

Pupils can take part in a variety of workshops that celebrate Latin, Roman armour, roman coins and writing. 

Workshops can either take place at SHS or in the primary schools.


To introduce students to Classics - language and culture

To provide a fun, interactive workshop for pupils with clear outcomes.


Our Head of Classics has been running the workshops for a number of years based on her links with local schools and feedback from contacts.


We provide all the resources for the workshop - we have a full set of roman armour which students are encouraged to try on and there are opportunities to engage in fancy dress if needed.


Feedback is very positive from all previous workshops with schools enjoying the interactive, fun and energetic nature of the sessions.

Pupil Involvement

Pupils taking part range from Year 4 - 6, boys and girls from local state primary schools.


We try to offer about 3 workshops per year on an ad-hoc basis depending on demand from the schools.