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ChemLabS at Redmaids' High with local schools

Pupils from Year 5 & 6 from Headley Park Primary School, Henleaze Junior School, Holymead Primary School, St Peter & St Paul Primary School, Waycroft Academy, West Town Lane Academy, Wicklea Academy & Woodlands Academy attended a Bristol ChemlabS outreach program at Redmaids' High along with pupils from the school.

The pupils all had a demonstration assembly from Alison Rivett on the theme of 'Solids, Liquids & Gases'.

The visiting pupils, and Redmaids High Junior girls then spent the rest of the day undertaking experiments in the Senior School laboratories with postgraduate chemists Joanna Sparks, Jonny Furze, Maddy Nichols, Angela Suriyakumaran.


The aim of the project was to inspire students from all across Bristol in science with the help of Bristol ChemlabS. It was also an opportunity for students to learn more about chemistry in a masterclass delivered by university level chemists.


The project is now in its ninth year running with Bristol ChemlabS.


Redmaids' High provided the hall for the assembly and science demonstrations as well as the Senior School Laboratories for the chemistry masterclasses.

Pupil Involvement

The pupils who attended from all the schools were in Year 5 and Year 6 at local junior schools.