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Charity Work and Fundraising

Somerhill School’s staff, pupils and parents support the local community and national/global charities in several ways.

Nourish Food Bank

Pupils donated over 953kg of items to be distributed by the local food bank.

Anti Bullying Alliance

The children and staff raised nearly £500 by wearing odd socks to school.

Royal British Legion

Over £200 was raised for last year’s Poppy Appeal.

Children In Need

A charity day playing party games in the garden raised over £380 for Children in Need.

Save the Children

Staff and pupils donned Christmas jumpers raising nearly £1500 for this global children’s charity.

Hospice in the Weald

Our carol service and nativity collections raised over £330.00, and the schools Christmas fair and Christmas card purchases raised a further £200.00 for the local hospice.

Marie Curie

Hot chocolate sales on a cold day generated nearly £500.

Comic Relief and Battersea Dogs & Cats Home

The pupils raised nearly £1000 selling cakes and having their faces painted.

Restless Development and Sport in Mind

178 children took part in a triathlon at Sevenoaks School raising £13295.07!


The children organised a fun run which raised nearly £600.00.


Pre prep raised £108.50 for RNLI through sports day activities.