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CCF partnership with Hampton High

At Hampton the CCF is made up of male cadets from Hampton School, female cadets from The Lady Eleanor Holles School and students from Hampton High.


The running of a successful Combined Cadet Force between the three schools.


The Combined Cadet Force has been in existence at Hampton School for many decades. Girls from The Lady Eleanor Holles School joined in 2000 and in 2011 a new initiative led to the joining of students and staff from Hampton High.

Whilst the CCF is well supported by the MOD, cadets are not pushed towards a military career, although members of staff have the expertise to advise those who are considering this as a possibility in future.


The CCF meet at Hampton School on a Friday at 4pm for weekly meetings and take part in a number of Field Days.

Teaching Staff from both Hampton School and The Lady Eleanor Holles School, assisted by a member of staff from Hampton High deliver lessons in a variety of skills. Support is given by the Ministry of Defence.


Assessments of the benefits of this partnership activity are carried out on a yearly basis by Senior Management from the schools.

Pupil Involvement

Pupils from Years 10 to 13 are involved in this initiative, both boys and girls.


This is a weekly activity which kaes place throughout the academic year. Residential trips also take place during school holidays.