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Careers Convention

Wellington School held a Careers Convention for all Year 11 students from a range of local schools.

With over 50 exhibitors, students were able to have a wide understanding of some of the opportunities available to them in the future.


To provide opportunities for students to meet future employers and talk to a wide range of industries.

Students from local schools were invited and over 600 students attended.


This is run in rotation with other independent schools in the area and Wellington School hosted this year.

Our Head of Careers worked tirelessly to ensure there were an impressive range of exhibitors


This was held in Wellington School's sports hall and was run by the Careers and Marketing departments.

There was no charge to pupils or exhibitors, all of whom also had refreshments throughout the day.


Extensive exposure to expertise, advise and guidance for 600 local students.

Pupil Involvement

All Year 11 students from Wellington school and local independent and secondary schools.

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