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Bugsy Malone Drama Event

We invited some of our Primary Partnership School pupils, parents and teachers and local Care Home residents and carers to an afternoon performance of the School production of 'Bugsy Malone'.


To bring together members of the local community and to inspire and introduce the performing arts to local school children. Also to entertain local senior citizens and give them an enjoyable afternoon in a school environment. 


This was a joint venture between the Drama and Music departments and supported by the Head of Partnership and Community Link. We had invited Primary schools to previous performances but wanted to bring together different members of the community to this event.


Use of the School Hall. St Albans School pupils provided the entertainment. Refreshments were provided by the school catering staff in the interval. Various staff members assisted with the production and organisation. 


We had very positive feedback about this event from the Primary School teachers and pupils and Care Home Manager and residents.

Pupil Involvement

We had approximately 60 of our own pupils involved in the performance of 'Bugsy Malone'. Our school prefects accompanied the elderly residents from the Care Home and either walked with them or pushed their wheelchairs and helped them return after the performance. We had 60 Year 5 and 6 pupils from two local Primary Schools in attendance. 



We would like to repeat this event annually depending on the suitability of the Drama performance for a young audience.