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Astrophysics Research Project

Working with one of our partner state school, NUAST, into studying the outflowing gases from Active Galactic Nuclei (giant black holes) with a UCL researcher over 12 weeks. They learnt everything from how the data was collected, to processing the data in Python. At the end of the 12 weeks the students presented their work to leading researchers and other schools at a virtual conference.

Their scientific paper which is due to be published in December in a scientific journal.


To understand more about outflowing gases from Active Galactic Nuclei (giant black holes) with a UCL researcher over 12 weeks. 


National challenge/opportunity from UCL, which the Head of Physics identified an opportunity for collaboration between schools rather than just working independently. First year it has run but will look to run again.


Data was collected, to processing the data in Python. writing the Scientific Journal. Teachers supporting pupils by giving time for them to work during and afterschool.


Brilliant joint project with one of our local scientific state schools.

We work with NUAST every year.

Pupil Involvement

Year 11 and Y13 pupils, mixed gender from both schools.


Met regularly to work on the project combining independent and group work between the schools.

Over a 12 week period, which we will look to run every year.