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Artist workshop and art exhibition

This project involved inviting GCSE Art students from numerous schools in Shropshire to participate in a workshop by an equestrian artist. The pupils would then take the work away to add to their GCSE Art coursework back at their school. Work produced during the workshop was also displayed for a week alongside an exhibition of A Level and GCSE work by students at Shrewsbury High School, in the main Gallery at the Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery. The public was also invited to attend.


To make the public aware of high standard of Art work at Shrewsbury High school.

Making links with local schools/departments.

For Shrewsbury High School to interact with other schools.


Idea from the Head of Art at Shrewsbury High School to make contact with local schools, invite an eminent artist and offer an opportunity to other schools in the County to participate for free.

This is the first year of this initiative.

Our Head of Art will also offer a day painting workshop for Shrewsbury High School Art Scholars during the exhibition.


Materials offered by the Art Department.

Shrewsbury High School paying for the use of education room and exhibition space.

Teaching staff.

1 x caretaker to assist putting up the show.

Finance by Shrewsbury High School.


Impact through work created during the artist workshop. Work was then given back to the girls (and 1 boy) to be included in their GCSE Art coursework.

Opportunity for the pupils to have work displayed in a main gallery space in Shrewsbury.

Pupil Involvement

Art Scholars (Year 8-12) were give a day painting workshop by the Head of Art Mark Warner in the Education room.

Girls and 1 boy from different schools around the county in Year 11 and Shrewsbury High School girls participated in an equestrian drawing workshop.


