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Activity Day

25 Year 5 primary school children from Pennine Way Junior Academy came to Trent College to take part in a team-building outdoor activity morning. The children were taught to work together, communicate in new and different ways, show leadership qualities and problem solve effectively.


The aim of the project was to give external primary school children the opportunity to come and use our facilities to enhance their curriculum, by experiencing an activity that they would not be able to do at their own school.


The opportunity was identified by the Primary School Liaison Co-ordinator, who through talking to external primary school teachers and heads, was able to match up the resources available at Trent College with a curriculum need of the primary school.


Two members of Trent College games staff ran the Activity Morning, using all Trent resources for the activities. Refreshments and lunch was provided with no cost implication.


Quotes after the event:

"This has been great. The children have had an amazing time and really enjoyed themselves. It is has been really interesting to observe them all and see who has taken charge and where the potential leaders have come from." Year 5 teacher

"I just wanted to say thank you for such a wonderful experience you have given the children that attended teh Activity event. The staff and children thoroughly enjoyed it and the staff have commented on how lovely the day was." PE Co-ordinator

Pupil Involvement

25 Year 5 children from an external primary school.


Annual event, offerd on bespoke basis.