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Actions Not Words

As Part of our whole School Actions Not Words programme we have year 12 students supporting within the classroom environment, listening to readers and assisting the class teacher during a variety of lessons at local schools.

We continue to offer our sporting facilities and support for the schools extra-curricular sports programme including the gym for basketball, indoor athletics and outdoor Hockey and Netball clubs. 

Mayfield School also lends equipment to a local Primary School, who borrowed 14 blue display boards to enable them to hold an Art exhibition.

Mayfield School supported their local Primary School by providing car parking for their big fund-raising event, the Summer Circus. This was a very well attended occasion and the car park was full of cars belonging to friends, families and supporters of the school, which otherwise would have caused congestion and danger in our small village.



The aim of this initiative is to help our local community primary schools improve their provision.

It also provides our students with the opportunity to develop their communication and leadership skills and adhere to our school ethos and motto of 'Actions not Words'.


Historically we have always as a school provided support to local primary schools.


The Sports facilities are offered free of charge. The Astroturf, the outdoor courts and indoor gymnasium. 


We continue to work on ways we can build our partnership to benefit more young people.

Pupil Involvement

Year 12 female pupils (age 17) are fully involved in managing their attendance and communication of their weekly visit across the academic year.


All current arrangements are weekly visits for a duration of an hour at a time.