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A Level Life Drawing

Drawing from life is an essential skill to be able to demonstrate when producing portfolios for art colleges, architecture courses and a range of other creative degrees.

In the Michaelmas term life drawing sessions are held once a week for our A Level art students.  This year local sixth form art students were invited to join us.  The sessions ran in two blocks for four with 10 external students joining us for each block.

For all the students, life drawing is something new.  They explored form in a range of experimental media from a diverse range of life models, while keeping traditional fundamentals of proportion and measurement in all sessions.


To further enhance the portfolios of A Level art students looking to pursue their studies to the next level. 

To equip these students with an essential skill necessary for further education.


Weekly model.

All art materials for weekly sessions – paper, pencils, charcoal, conte pencils, pens etc.

GHS art teacher for 1.5 hours of session per week plus preparation time.


Anecdotally the sessions had wonderful feedback.  The students universally enjoyed them, were challenged by them and were keen to do more. Both blocks of sessions were full. 

Pupil Involvement

6th Form students studying art.


Two blocks of 4 sessions, run weekly in the Michaelmas term. Sessions will run annually going forward.