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6th Form Philosophy Conference and Teacher CPD

A Philosophy conference for 6th form students combined with teacher CPD was the East Kent Philosophy Teachers' network’s first major event.

Students received a carousel of short talks, activities and conversations with philosophers. Several lecturers came from the Philosophy Department at the University of Kent with the remainder delivered by authors of A level Philosophy text books who led sessions exploring philosophical ideas through games. Students from the University came to give advice on how to write like a philosopher and to answer questions about undergraduate study for those who might be considering continuing their philosophical studies after 6th form.

Teachers were provided with their own parallel sessions looking into ways of best delivering aspects of the Philosophy and Religious Studies specifications and sharing ideas on how to engage students in philosophy and to prepare them for their exams.

The day ended with some very impressive presentations from the students for which prizes were awarded.


The aims of the conference were for the pupils:

  • to enable The King's School and local 6th form philosophy students to gain a greater understanding of what is involved in studying Philosophy at university.
  • to access lectures investigating Philosophical topics in greater depth
  • to meet others studying the same subject

For the staff:

  • to provide high quality CPD
  • to enable them to meet other teaching the same subject (often very small departments) giving an opportuntiy to network


Working in partnership with the University of Kent, the King’s School established the  ‘East Kent Philosophy Teachers’ Network’, the purpose of which is to promote philosophical enquiry in local schools and to encourage greater communication and cooperation between those involved in the teaching of philosophy.

The conference was the first large scale event.


The King's School hosted the inaugural conference in 2018 and will host the next one in October 2019.

Two lecture theatres were used as well as classrooms with lunch and refreshments served from our Pupil Social Centre.

No charge was made to attend the event.

6 visiting lecturers and a member of The King's School Philosophy department delivered lectures.

2 visiting Philosophy students from the university were available throughout the day.

Bookings were made through The King's School Partnerships office.

King's School catering team provided refreshments and lunch.

Pupil Involvement

All pupils attending the conference were in 6th form - mixed male and female

150 visiting pupils.

40 King's School pupils.


The first event was in October 2018 with the next conference scheduled.